Poultry factory “Sverdlovskaya”
G.V. Kochnev, Directоr of the poultry factory “Sverdlovskaya”, was born on March 30, 1938.
In 1968 he had been graduated from the Ural Polytechnical Institute named after S.M. Kirov, a speciality – industrial and civil construction, and at once he started working at the agroindustrial complex.
Gennady Veniaminovich's contribution to expansion of a branch of poultry farming in the Middle Urals is considerable: having headed the Management of building poultry factories of the Sverdlovsk trust “Ptitseprom”, he was at the head of the construction of broiler poultry factories “Pervouralskaya”, “Kirovgradskaya”, “Sredneuralskaya”, “Krasnouralskaya” and the state poultry plant “Sverdlovskii”.
Having returned to the poultry factory “Sverdlovskaya” as the deputy Director on construction, G.V.. Kochnev created the large building manufacture which allowed qualitatively and in a short period to conduct reconstruction and construction of bird-houses, habitation (it was built more than 58 thousand sq.m.), two childrengartens, a school, the Palace of sports, a boarding house, a tradinghousehold complex, and the House of culture.
Having headed the poultry factory during the most complicated period of transition to market economy, Gennady Veniaminovich not only determined the most important strategic reference points of development of the enterprise, but also directed the efforts of all the managers, experts and workers to achieve those aims.
The Honoured builder of the Russian Federation, Honoured professor of the Ural state agricultural academy, the president of the International club of poultry breeders “Lohmann-Russia”, in 2004 G.V. Kochnev, in a group of authors, became the winner of the State premium of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technics.
During the war, the first in the Urals specitlized poultry enterprise, based on the pigbreeding sovkhoz, was set up in 1943 to provide the population and hospitals with eggs. In 1951 the poultry sovkhoz was reorganized into the Sverdlovsk Poultry Factory.
By the beginning of the 1990's the factory had become a modern high-profitable enterprise. To raise competitive capacity in markets, in 1995 the factory started the cooperation with firm “Lohmann Tierzucht” - the world leader of poultry breeders. The result of that – successful production of the eggs of the European quality.
In 1998 the factory included the poultry factory “Asbestovskaya”. In 2002 its own feed production was organized.
Also the sovkhos “Sosnovsky” of the Kamensky district was joined to the factory in 2004, and now the factory, except 3 million hens, has 550 milk cows and 6 thousand hectares of plough-lands.
The poultry factory produces eggs of three colours – white, brown and sandy.
The volume of production has exceeded 820 million eggs per year. It was the poultry factory “Sverdlovskaya” that became a champion in producing eggs in package – 4, 6, 10, and 15 eggs, and residents of the city and oblast have liked it.
The winner of many regional and Russian exhibitions and competitions, poultry factory is the first among a hundred of the best manufacturers of egg in Russia “Egg of a bird-100” per 2002-2008.